About Movie-“Yodha” is a BEST MOTIVATIONAL MOVIE of Bollywood action-thriller film directed by Sagar Ambre and Pushkar Ojha, produced by Karan Johar under the banner of Dharma Productions. The movie stars Sidharth Malhotra in the lead role, with Disha Patani and Raashii Khanna playing significant roles


Plot Overview: The storyline of “Yodha” centers around a soldier on a mission to save a hijacked plane. The plot promises intense action sequences, high-stakes drama, and a gripping narrative. Sidharth Malhotra’s character is portrayed as a courageous and skilled fighter, tasked with navigating through dangerous situations to protect the passengers and neutralize the threat.

Production: “Yodha” is notable for being Dharma Productions’ first-ever action franchise. The film aims to deliver a mix of action, suspense,and emotional depth. The production team has invested heavily in high-quality visual effects and stunt choreography to create a realistic and thrilling cinematic experience.


  • Sidharth Malhotra as the main character, a soldier with exceptional combat skills.
  • Disha Patani, whose character details have been kept under wraps, adding to the intrigue.
  • Raashii Khanna in a key role, contributing to the film’s dramatic elements.

Release and Expectations: The release date for “Yodha” has generated significant anticipation among fans and critics alike. Sidharth Malhotra’s previous performances in action-oriented roles, such as in “Shershaah,” have set high expectations for this film. The collaboration between a strong cast and experienced directors under the Dharma Productions banner suggests that “Yodha” could be a major success at the box office.

Conclusion: “Yodha” is calm to be a notable addition to the action-thriller genre in Bollywood. With a best motivational movie, talented cast, and high production values, the film is expected to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression. Fans are eagerly awaiting its release, hoping for a thrilling cinematic experience that showcases heroism, courage, and intense action



best motivational movie yodha

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